Stimmsolistin • Schauspielerin • Sängerin • Cellistin

Salome Kammer

Short Biography

Salome Kammer studied music from 1977-1984, concentrating on cello (with Maria Kliegel and Janos Starker in Essen). In 1983, she was engaged as an actress with the Heidelberg Theatre, where for five years she appeared in numerous roles in the areas of spoken theatre, musicals, operettas and young people’s theater. In 1988, she moved to Munich to begin shooting the film epic “Die zweite Heimat” (Second Homeland) by Edgar Reitz. The role of the cellist Clarissa involved her for four years. During this time she began to train her voice and since 1990, she has been heard as a vocal soloist in concerts of Contemporary Music. Numerous radio productions and CD releases document her career.

Salome Kammer is working as a freelance artist always looking for new ways of using her musical and theatrical experience to best advantage in the most diverse projects. 2004 the new epic film HEIMAT 3 by Edgar Reitz released, again with Salome Kammer as Clarissa Lichtblau.

She teaches the techniques of contemporary music for voice at the University of Music in Munich.

Salome Kammer. Foto © Christoph Hellhake

Luciano Berio Folksongs: "Un Ballo"

from: Heimat 3. Chronik einer Zeitenwende by Edgar Reitz

DVD at Amazon

Press Reviews

Latest Reviews From the Press

and News about Salome Kammer


Selection of programs out of

the repertoire of Salome Kammer


Published records  under participation of Salome Kammer, get them via

iTunesAmazon or Google Play

  • Schachabend


  • I’m a Stranger Here Myself


  • Mon cher cousin


Contact to Salome Kammer

For questions regarding Salome Kammer’s program, concerts or other projects please contact:

Doreen Lutz Artists
Doreen Lutz
Andreas-Hofer-Strasse 33
A-6020 Innsbruck


Phone: +43 (0) 512 319195
Mobil: +49 (0) 163 4413647

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